Rugby Party

Rugby Party

Rugby Party

Tackles and training!

Duration: 1h30min

Age Appropriate: 6+

Games include: Warm up, scrum running (relay type race where teams run as a
scrum), placing racing (a game using the skill of placing the ball, relay type
game), hot potato passes (teams race to see who can pass the ball through the
team in the shortest time), tackle time (game to practice tackling), shower
shootout (kids kick place kicks at a target that when hit it dumps a bucket of
water on someone’s head), rigket (a combination of rugby and cricket game),
paintball place kicks (shooting a paintball gun at a rugby target), mini touch
rugby game.

Price: R3, 450.00 incl. VAT

Up to 30 Kids

Our other party themes: Amazing Race, Army, CampingCricketFear FactorMinute to win itNerf Gun PartyNinja TurtlesPirateRugbySoccer, Space Explorers, Splash, Star Wars and Survivor.

About The Rugby Party

Primary school kids may love rugby, possibly because Dad is a big rugby fan! In this themed action party, we have taken some of the skills from the game of rugby and turned them into fun party games and activities. Passing, tackling, placekicking, scrums, and lineouts have been turned into a series of fun party activities for kids.

Saftey during this party is of utmost importance as children who may not have been trained properly are able to injure one another. Not everyone plays bulletjies from the age of 5… during warm-up activities and the first couple of games, our trained facilitators will asses the abilities of the group and target the rest of the games at an age and skill appropriate level. Whatever skill level the kids are at, we will ensure that all the kids have a great time playing the party games during our Rugby party.

We provide all the equipment necessary for 90 minutes of action packed rugby fun and excitement.