Pokemon Party

Action-packed Pokemon-themed party fun!

Pokemon Party

Duration: 1h30min

Age Appropriate: 6+

Games include

Hospital Carry (carry opposite team members from the field back to the hospital)

Baserunning (Simon says type running game)

Pokemon-themed treasure hunt

Obstacle course

Tug of war

Pokeball wars (dodgeball with Pokeballs)

Water wars (each player gets a syringe and they defend their base)

Dueling with Pokemon cards

Reaction time relay race

Target shooting with a paintball gun at a Pokemon-themed target

Price: R3, 450.00 incl. VAT

Up to 30 Kids

About the Pokemon Party

If your child likes Pokemon then a themed Pokemon party is probably a great option. During the party, we will get your kids into the spirit of the army by doing drills like marching, pushups, and discipline.  Facepaint is used to differentiate the teams and focus on the competitive nature of children. We harness that energy to create a fun, exciting, and active Pokemon-themed party that will keep children entertained for a full 90 minutes. This also helps to purge some of the energy children take on board as a result of standard party treats that all children enjoy.

Shooting a paintball gun at a target is one of the most popular activities that we do at the Pokemon party. Since safety is a very important element, the dangers associated with shooting a paintball gun are explained. Control is exercised and children will shoot at a target in turns rather than at each other to ensure the safety of participants in the Pokemon party. This is a great activity that all children, from the oldest to the very youngest enjoy and ensure that we end the army party, with a bang!

In conclusion, the Pokemon Themed Party is a very popular party, it is very adaptable to all ages. As a result, we think it will be a favorite for many years to come.

Pokemon Party Decor

Decoration options are wide and varied as a result of choosing the Pokemon Party Theme. Because Pokemon is an Asian franchise, a trip to your closest China mall will give you a wide variety of choices when it comes to decor for your Pokemon-themed party and an abundance of stock will never be a problem with this theme. 

Our other party themes: Amazing Race, Army, CampingCricketFear FactorMinute to win it, Nerf Gun PartyNinja TurtlesPirateRugbySoccer, Space Explorers, Splash, Star Wars and Survivor.