Fear Factor Party

Fear Factor Party

Evidently for you, Fear is not a Factor!

Duration: 1h30min

Age Appropriate: 6+

Games include: Hospital Carry (warm up relay game), Wheelbarrow Relay (get the blood flowing with the first challenge), Base running (Who has the pace to outlast the rest?), Bobbing for apples, Straight face egg (can you keep a straight face with an egg breaking on your head), Egg toss (how far can you throw an egg?), memories in brains (fish for jelly babies in a bowl of spaghetti), Straight face mystery shooters (varied contents in shooter glasses), Fear Factor Paintball (can you stay still with a paintball flying at you at 300 feet per second with only a sheet of PVC between you and serious pain!) Concern: Parents can be assured that extreme caution and proper safety measures are taken, 16 years of kids parties without serious incident speaks for itself.

Price: R3, 750.00 incl. VAT

Up to 30 Kids

About the Fear Factor Party

Kids of all ages love to get messy. As a result, for children aged 6 and upwards, the Fear Factor Party is a great option. We change the activities for each party to ensure that they are age appropriate. Through years of trial and error. We have developed a mix of activities that are challenging yet still fun for kids. Furthermore, we have established what kids enjoy the most in terms of tactile limits and taste boundaries. If your child is always the one who jumps in the muddy puddle or pulls the funniest face while munching on a lemon, then the Fear Factor party will be their best party ever! 

Our other party themes: Amazing Race, Army, CampingCricketFear FactorMinute to win itNerf Gun PartyNinja TurtlesPirateRugbySoccer, Space Explorers, Splash, Star Wars and Survivor.