Activities for Birthday Parties
Activities for Birthday Parties can be difficult to decide on. Firstly because there is so much to choose from. Then, you as the parent or party planner need to be able to gauge whether or not the kids at the party will enjoy and participate in the activities that you plan or arrange for them.

How to choose an activity?
When choosing an activity for your child’s birthday party. Your child should, of course, be your number one consideration. No one knows your child better than you. Think about what they like and the younger a child is, what they like at the moment… With so many entertainment options, TV shows and influences in our young children’s lives. If you start planning too early, they could be bored of a particular theme by the time the party comes. So, bare this in mind when planning the party and the activities you intend doing.
The next factor to look at is, does your child prefer small groups of friends or is he or she in their element when the whole class, all their family and friends etc are around them. The number of children you intend on having at the party will influence your decision on what activities you will be able to do.
Give some thought as to what your child would enjoy the most before you start planning. This will go a long way in making the party planning process easier for you.
Types of Activities for Birthday Parties
The way we see it, activities for birthday parties can be broken down into the following categories. Parties for boys. Parties for Girls. Indoor Activities. Outdoor Activities. Active or passive activities…
Party Activities for Boys
We have a wide range of party activities for boys. Army, Survivor and Nerf Gun Parties are probably our 3 most popular boys party activities. These parties involve high impact action, loads of action and running around. They are very suitable for boys aged 6 years and older.
Nerf Gun Parties have replaced the paintball parties that we used to offer. Unfortunately, the high cost of a portable paintball setup became prohibitive in comparison to going to a dedicated paintball venue. Battlezone in Bryanston is probably one of the most popular paintball party venues in the North of Johannesburg. Field 19, The Woods and River Raiders are also good paintball ranges in the North of Johannesburg. In Pretoria, you can have a look at Gotcha Paintball Range, Proball Paintball, and AWOL Paintball.
Sports themes are always a hit. We offer Soccer, Rugby and Cricket parties and can also do a combination of these sports in a single party. Instead of just playing a match of the various sports. We have developed a range of fun and exciting games and activities using skills from the various sports. By doing this, even the children that are not necessarily fanatical about the sport in question will still have a great time at the party.
Parties for Girls
if your daughter is a girly girl and pampering is her thing, then a pamper party for her and her besties by Your Pamper Party is a great option. Pamper Parties and Pamper Girlz are two other service providers in this arena that you may wish to have a look at.
Not all girls want their nails painted and a facial for their party though. Some just want to have some good old-fashioned fun. We have found that our Minute to Win it, Fear Factor and Amazing Race parties are the most popular themes for girls parties among our range of parties. These parties are engaging and fun for all girls aged 8 and upwards. The boys in the class that may attend the party will also not be alienated by these themes. Unisex in nature these party activities will ensure that all the kids at the party will have a great time!
Indoor vs Outdoor
If you are looking for an indoor party venue, BOUNCE Inc trampoline park is good fun. We have such great weather in this beautiful country of ours. As a result, we believe that outdoor “fun in the sun parties”, are the best. All of our themed action parties can be done outdoors. In the event of bad weather on the day of your party. Our highly flexible facilitators will be able to entertain your children indoors with a range of activities that are more passive but still great fun. Classic party games like musical statues, eating a chocolate slab with a knife and fork, and fun games from our Minute to Win it party, all work well in a garage, on a patio or in your lounge.
Amount of Action
The amount of action you have at the party is a personal choice. Themes such as our Amazing Race and Minute to Win it involve some more passive elements such as puzzle building, code-breaking and counting exercises. It is our experience though that the more action there is the better. We can come in and help purge some of the energy that all that sugar generates from “standard party fair” available at the sweets table. Please Contact Us and we will show you how we can make your child’s next party, their best one ever!