Amazing Race Party

Amazing Race Party

Move from bases to base and beat the other teams to the finish!

Duration: 1h30min

Age Appropriate: 9+

Teams will race to different bases completing challenges along the way, all the answers give you the secret code to unlock the electronic safe with the grand prize. A number of age-related challenges that will test teams along the way

Activities include:

Code breaking, counting, puzzles, teamwork and target shooting.

Price: R3, 450.00 incl. VAT

Up to 30 Kids

About the Amazing Race Party

Based on the popular TV Series, The Amazing Race. Andy’s Action Parties’ Amazing Race party leads children around your home or party venue by following a series of clues which lead them to bases. Each base has a post box with a set of instructions. Teams will need to complete the challenge at each base and report back to the facilitator before receiving their next clue. There are some detour and roadblock challenges along the way that through the proverbial spanner in the works. These are evenly spaced between the teams. Those who are ahead may soon be behind in the exciting race to the finish. 

The answers from all of the bases that are completed throughout the race form a combination. After the bases are complete, teams need to find an electronic safe that is hidden somewhere in the venue. If they have completed the challenges correctly, when they punch in the combination, they win!

The Amazing Race Party includes a number of physical and mental challenges that children will need to complete as a team. This is probably the most fun we have ever seen kids have while they learn new skills and improve their, mathematics, English and problem-solving skills.    

Our other party themes: Amazing Race, Army, CampingCricketFear FactorMinute to win it, Nerf Gun PartyNinja TurtlesPirateRugbySoccer, Space Explorers, Splash, Star Wars and Survivor.